How to Stay Hard With a Condom

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When it comes to sex, condoms can feel like a major buzzkill. Pressing pause to rummage in a drawer, fumbling with the condom or worrying about whether it’s on correctly can reduce sensation and cause an erection to go soft.

The solution is simple – make sure you have the right kind of condoms on hand. Knight recommends trying different types, including flavoured, extra safe, delay varieties and non-latex (for anyone with an allergy) before finding the best ones for you.

Make sure you’re ready.

The first step is making sure that you’re ready to use a condom. This means getting plenty of foreplay and oral sex so that you’re both really turned on before you have to pause while you find the condom, open it, and put it on.

Sometimes people lose their erection when they’re using a condom because they’re distracted or in a rush. Try to slow down and make it an enjoyable experience for both of you by turning on some music, putting on lotion or massage oil, or talking about your fantasies before the moment comes to use the condom.

Don’t be afraid to try a variety of different condom types and fits to figure out what works best for you. The key is finding a condom that feels snug, but not tight or uncomfortable. Many newer condoms come in a variety of textures, flavors, and colors to suit your tastes, too, so experiment!

Explore More:  How Old Do You Have to Be to Buy a Condom?

Using the right lube can help you stay hard during intercourse, too. But make sure you’re only using a water-based lubricant, as oil-based lubes can break down latex condoms and lead to leakage. And make sure to practice putting the condom on by yourself before you do it with your partner so that you’re familiar with the process and don’t accidentally fumble. That can be just as embarrassing as losing your erection!

Find the right condoms.

Condoms come in different shapes, sizes, and materials. There’s no one-size-fits-all option, so it’s important to find the condom that feels best for you. You may have to experiment with a few before you settle on one that suits your dick, provides a snug fit, and doesn’t cause pain. Some condoms have ribs, others are slim or tighter, and some even contain a desensitizing agent to make ejaculation less painful for you and your partner.

It’s also important to take your time when putting on a condom. If you’re rushing it, you may be prone to fumbling, which can lead to lost sensations. Also, putting on a condom can be nerve-wracking, and that can cause you to release adrenaline. Adrenaline is great for getting you ready to run a marathon or fight off a bear, but it’s not so good for your erection.

When you’re finding a condom that feels right, try to keep it close at hand and use it regularly before sex. That way, if you’re still having trouble keeping an erection during foreplay or sex, it’ll be easier to deal with and won’t get in the way of the fun. Plus, using a condom every time you have sex will help protect against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

Explore More:  What is a Magnum Condom?

Make sure you’re putting the condom on correctly.

For condoms to work, they must be put on correctly. First, check the expiration date and make sure it’s a real condom (not a bullshit colored lollipop you bought at Pride). Carefully open the package (do not use teeth or scissors!) and examine the condom for any signs of damage or wear. If the condom is lubricated, make sure it’s water-based or silicone-based and not oil based; oils can break down latex.

Some guys report erectile problems when using condoms, but it’s usually not because of the condoms themselves. It’s often because they are nervous or stressed, and this causes the body to produce adrenaline. Adrenaline is a great hormone for getting the body ready to run a mile, but it’s also a horrible hormone for maintaining an erection.

When putting the condom on, pinch the reservoir tip with your index finger and thumb. This will leave a space for fluid released during ejaculation (climax) and it will help to prevent the condom from splitting. Then, gently roll the condom down the head of your hard dick. Be careful not to pull the condom too far back as this can cause a painful, throbbing sensation. It’s important to check the condom regularly, especially after sex, and to change it if it shows any signs of damage or wear.

Explore More:  How Tight Should a Condom Be?

Be patient.

The sight of a condom can cause anxiety in some men. This is especially true if they’ve never worn one before. They might worry they won’t be able to maintain an erection with a rubber covering their cock, or that it will feel less sensitive than normal. This is known as sexual performance anxiety and can lead to condom associated erectile problems (CAEP).

CAEP is mostly psychological, not physical. When people are nervous or stressed, their body produces a hormone called adrenaline. This hormone is great for a fight or flight situation, but it can also shut down any bodily functions that aren’t necessary immediately for survival. In other words, it’s a cock killer.

When you have condoms on, it’s important to slow down a little bit and take your time. If you’re rushing the process, it’s more likely that you’ll put it on incorrectly or even lose it in mid-use. Both of these are leading causes of CAEP and will certainly kill your erection.

It’s also helpful to have lubrication handy. Many men swear by rubbing vaseline on the tip of their penis before rolling the condom on, but there are plenty of pre-lubricated options out there as well. And don’t be afraid to be honest with your partner. If foreplay doesn’t turn you on as much when you have a condom on, let them know and try again later.

Gabriel, the harbinger of divine intimacy, guides readers on an odyssey of love, passion, and self-discovery. His prose weaves a tapestry of sacred connections, where souls intertwine and desires unite in harmonious symphony. As an advocate of human vulnerability, Gabriel's stories are an exploration of the profound beauty found in our deepest emotions. With every word, he invites you to embrace the essence of intimacy and unlock the sanctity of love. Surrender to the spellbinding journey he offers, as you traverse the sacred grounds of divine connections and awaken the embers of your heart.

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