How to Tame a Brat BDSM

person holding blue and white rope

Brats can be acting out for a number of reasons. They may be seeking a reaction from their Dom (in a consensual, agreed-upon way) or simply enjoying the feeling of pushing boundaries.

Whatever their motivation, it’s important that Doms understand how to tame a brat and make them feel seen. Here are a few things to remember:

1. Be patient.

As with any submissive, brats need to be tamed by their Dominant. They may push boundaries and taunt in order to provoke a response from their Dom. This is usually done with enthusiastic consent and can be quite hot.

But if they aren’t tamed their brattishness can become annoying and downright dangerous. This is why it is important to find what corrections work for your brat and stick with them consistently. Some of the more common ones include tickling, spanking, and orgasm counting.

Despite their brattishness, the BDSM brat wants to submit. However, they will often fight to do so. Karsh says that they do this by defying authority and testing limits in the hopes of eliciting punishment from their Dom. This is not submission in the traditional sense of the word, but it does show their devotion to the person they are with.

2. Be consistent.

Keeping the lines of communication open is essential for a healthy brat/brat tamer dynamic. It’s important for both partners to be clear on their expectations, says Gigi Engle, writer, certified sexologist and founder of the Easy Orgasm Solution.

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It’s also important for the Dom to know that he/she is in charge of enforcing limits and boundaries. Brats often desire fun punishments that reaffirm their role, she says, but they also need to be corrected and made to realize their defiance has consequences.

Bratty BDSM can include back talk, abrasive comments, questioning and resisting, begging for leniency, teasing and whining. A naughty submissive may also deliberately misinterpret instructions to create tension and elicit a response, says Chiaramonte. This behavior is centered around defying authority, which can be extremely hot—provided it’s all done with enthusiastic consent.

3. Be specific.

Brats have a feisty side that can be hot or annoying. They like to push their Dom’s boundaries, and may misbehave for a reaction. They are often witty and playfully taunt their Dom to test their limits. They love to tease and provoke, and some even enjoy winding their Dom up sexually and top from the bottom.

One of the most important things to consider when a dom wants to use brat play is if their partner enjoys it. They will need to communicate openly with their partner on the subject and agree on the rules and limitations for this type of BDSM.

In addition, a dom might need to match the brat’s energy and intensity in their interactions with them. They can do this by speaking in an aggressive or energetic tone of voice, for example. Doms should also be careful not to overreact to a brat’s behaviour, as this could make them appear weak or easily pushed around.

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4. Be kind.

Bratty subs usually have a playful side that they like to play with. This can include things such as teasing and teasing their Dom or playing with sexually explicit euphemisms, such as “dickhead.” Some bratty subs enjoy role-reversal and play-fighting, although this should be done with consent.

Brats also like to test their limits and Dom’s reaction to them. They may be obedient, but often, they want to see how far their Dom will let them go before punishing them. Doms who like to tame bratty subs are sometimes called “brat tamers.”

Brat bdsm can be an interesting way for both parties to experience something new. However, it’s important to remember that they are still submissive and will eventually submit to their Dom if given the opportunity. Determining their motivations and creating boundaries that fit well with their unique personality is key to successful taming.

5. Be firm.

A brat wants to be challenged and will often challenge Doms by acting like a bit of a naughty pixie in order to get a rise out of them. They may even consciously misbehave to elicit a punishment or funishment from their Dom as part of their D/s play. Doms should learn to recognize when their bratty sub is acting up and be firm with them.

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The best time to firmly deal with a bratty sub is during text sex or gif/sticker communication. Brats love to tease their doms with playful banter and flirtatious hints. They can also stoke their doms’ desires with coy smiles and lingering glances. Using these methods of text sex can be especially effective when dealing with brats because it allows them to enact physical struggles over the internet. Doms who enjoy working with bratty subs get a thrill out of seeing their subs struggle and ultimately win, making them feel strong and in control.

6. Be fun.

For the right Dom, brats are a fun and cheeky submissive persona that enjoys talking back in a light-hearted way. They like to tease and wind their Dom up sexually, while refusing to do what they’re told on a platter.

But that doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy consensual submission. Karsh explains that some brats love the feeling of being tamed or corralled and enjoy acting out to see what their Dom will punish them with.

She suggests playful ways to encourage that submission, including pranking your slave by taking away something they enjoy (like a favorite game) or sending them into a corner with a timer. Spanking and the threat of time out are also effective. The key is to be consistent and make sure your punishments aren’t too harsh, as that can backfire. You’ll know if you are getting it right when the brat smiles.

Gabriel, the harbinger of divine intimacy, guides readers on an odyssey of love, passion, and self-discovery. His prose weaves a tapestry of sacred connections, where souls intertwine and desires unite in harmonious symphony. As an advocate of human vulnerability, Gabriel's stories are an exploration of the profound beauty found in our deepest emotions. With every word, he invites you to embrace the essence of intimacy and unlock the sanctity of love. Surrender to the spellbinding journey he offers, as you traverse the sacred grounds of divine connections and awaken the embers of your heart.

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