How to Tie BDSM Ropes

person holding brown rope on his her back

Rope bondage is an important part of many BDSM scenes and can be exciting for both the Top and Bottom. However, this form of play is also dangerous if not negotiated and practiced with safe words in place.

Always be sure to keep a pair of scissors close by in case of an emergency, and make sure that your partner is comfortable and has no injuries before continuing with the tie – This information was researched by the portal team

Inline Single Column Tie

One of the most common ties used in BDSM, this single column tie is ideal for tying around your partner’s leg or ankle. This is a great first step for newbies who want to learn BDSM rope bondage as it is simple enough to get the hang of and fast to tie so you can focus on what matters most: connecting with your partner.

Start by finding your bight (the center of the rope) and wrapping it around your partner’s wrist twice. Next, cross the bight over the working ends and through the loop beneath them.

This will create a flat and aesthetic knot which is important for shibari bondage. It also remains easy to untie and does not tighten too much on the wrists. It’s a very popular choice for those who want to connect their limbs to something else like a bed post or chair rung.

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Inline Double Column Tie

The double column tie is pretty much the same as a single column, but with an extra cinch in the middle. It’s a great way to bind two wrists together, or any other body part that can hold a loop. It’s also a popular starting point for many harnesses and leg ties.

Start by finding the bight, or center of the rope and wrapping it around both wrists twice. Then, pass the bight over the top wraps, down between the legs, and back up through the bottom wraps. Pull gently on the bight to tighten the knot, but leave a lot of slack on it so that you can easily slip a finger into the loop.

Practice this basic knot until it becomes second-nature. Then you can move on to more advanced ties and positions. But always prioritize safety and remember to keep communication open with your partner.

Inline Single Column Loop

The single column loop is a very basic tie and the first one everyone should learn. Once you have this down, you can build upon it with many different ties.

This is a great tie to start with when learning rope bondage because it is easy and can be used on any body part. It is also very secure and can be tightened easily.

Remember to be very careful when tying around the wrists. It is important to remember that major arteries and nerves run through this area and restriction or tightening can cause long lasting or permanent injury.

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Another great tie for tying to the arms is a lark’s head and half hitch combo. This is a good beginner’s knot because it doesn’t require any slipping of the ropes and can be used to create an elegant look for arm ties. Make sure to practice this knot on chair legs or your ankles until you can do it easily without thinking about it.

Inline Double Column Loop

Rope bondage is an exciting and rewarding BDSM practice. It can be used to explore domination, discipline, and sadism, as well as masochism. But it’s important to know the safeties to avoid causing harm or injury.

In this video, you will learn how to tie a double column loop. This is a simple knot that can be used to restrain wrists or ankles. This knot is a good choice for beginners to start with, as it requires less slack than other knots.

To make this knot, first find the bight or center of your rope. Then, wrap it around the bottom wrist twice. Then, pass the bight down between the bottom wraps and up over the upper one. Finally, pull on the bight and working ends to tighten the knot. Remember to leave plenty of room for fingers between the rope and your bottom’s skin, especially in the neck area (major blood vessels and airway). This will help prevent nerve damage.

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Inline Single Column Hitch

If you want to make a cuff that won’t collapse on itself you can use a single column hitch (also called a boola boola or yuki knot). This reverse-tension knot lies relatively flat, is not bulky, and is very secure. It’s also a popular choice for wrist ties because it is very gentle on sensitive nerves and arteries. It’s a great choice for beginners, and it is easy to learn.

The single column tie is a fundamental skill that can serve as the foundation for many more complex Shibari ties. It can be used to tie one or both of your partner’s wrists together or around a fixed object like a bedpost or chair. Once mastered, this simple technique can be used in countless ways to add excitement and pleasure for both partners in any BDSM session. Just remember to prioritize communication, consent, and safety.

Inline Double Column Hitch Combo

This is one of my favorite ties because it highlights curves on the body and makes you feel (and look) tight and cinched. It also restricts movement without feeling too restrictive and can be used in a variety of ways.

This tie is the first column based knot most people learn, and I strongly recommend practicing this tie on chair legs or ankles until you can do it with ease. This will help you get comfortable with the basic steps and prepare you to move on to more complex ties later.

Start by creating a bight and wrapping it around your partner’s wrist twice. Then take the bight and wrap it under the previous wraps, and then up over your partner’s wrist again. Repeat this process until you have a cuff.

Gabriel, the harbinger of divine intimacy, guides readers on an odyssey of love, passion, and self-discovery. His prose weaves a tapestry of sacred connections, where souls intertwine and desires unite in harmonious symphony. As an advocate of human vulnerability, Gabriel's stories are an exploration of the profound beauty found in our deepest emotions. With every word, he invites you to embrace the essence of intimacy and unlock the sanctity of love. Surrender to the spellbinding journey he offers, as you traverse the sacred grounds of divine connections and awaken the embers of your heart.

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