What Happens If a Dog Eats a Condom?

black and white short coated dog

Being the natural scavengers they are, dogs are very prone to putting their mouths where they do not belong. This can lead to a variety of problems, including ingesting foreign objects like condoms.

The worst scenario is if the condom gets stuck in the dog’s digestive system. If this happens, surgery may be required to remove it.


A dog will put anything in his mouth that he thinks is edible, which includes things such as rocks, carpets, house walls, and (you guessed it) condoms. Thankfully, this is not a serious situation for most dogs, especially when they’re small. Large breeds such as Golden Retrievers and Labradors are more likely to be able to pass the condom on its own compared to smaller breeds, such as Corgis and Chihuahuas, that may get stuck inside their stomach or intestines.

Once the condom has passed through the dog’s digestive system, it will usually be expelled via the stool. Depending on the size of your dog, it could take a few days to a week for the condom to be expelled from his body. During this time, it’s important to monitor your dog’s outdoor potty trips and check for the foreign object in his stools.

If the condom is still in your dog’s stomach or intestines, it can cause an obstruction, which could lead to severe illness or even death. If the dog reaches this point, a veterinarian will probably induce vomiting to break up the condom and make it easier for him to pass out of his body.

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A veterinarian can also use the Heimlich maneuver if the dog is experiencing respiratory distress from swallowing the condom. If you haven’t induced the dog to vomit by using three percent hydrogen peroxide, this is the best option to remove the condom from the throat.


If you are lucky, your dog will simply pass the condom through their digestive tract without any problems. This depends quite a bit on the size of your dog, a large lab for example might simply lick their lips and go on their way and a small Chihuahua will likely not have that same luxury.

A common concern is that a dog may develop a gastrointestinal blockage, which is when the indigestible material becomes stuck somewhere along your dog’s intestinal tract. This can be very dangerous or even fatal if not treated. You can try inducing vomiting, but it’s best to visit your vet so they can make sure that the condom is indeed expelled. They can also take x-rays to make sure that the condom is not still in your dog’s stomach or intestines.

A veterinary doctor may also recommend feeding your pet a high fiber meal to help push the condom through their digestive system. Depending on your veterinarian’s comfort level they may also perform a surgical procedure to physically remove the offending material from your dog’s intestines. This can be very dangerous for your dog and should only be performed by a licensed professional. For most people, however, simply watching their dog closely and keeping them hydrated will be enough to get the condom out of their system.

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If your dog swallows a condom and does not show any symptoms of blockage, it may simply pass through the digestive tract. However, it is important to monitor your dog’s appetite, energy levels, and bowel movements to ensure that the condom has not become lodged in the intestines. Intestinal blockages can become very serious and, without proper treatment, fatal for dogs.

If you catch your dog in the act of eating a used condom, try to remove it from their mouth or induce vomiting by sticking your fingers into their throat. However, do not attempt to induce vomiting or stick your finger into their throat if you can’t remove the condom. This could damage the sensitive structures inside their mouth or esophagus and cause further complications.

Larger dogs are less likely to suffer from an intestinal blockage after swallowing a foreign object like a condom than smaller breeds. However, they could still develop a skin rash from the latex and other chemicals in the condom.

If your dog shows signs of a blockage, they will need to be taken to a veterinarian immediately. They may recommend feeding them a high-fiber diet to help push the condom through their digestive system. They may also perform X-rays and/or an ultrasound to check for the condom and see how severe the blockage is. In extreme cases, they may suggest surgery to remove the condom from your dog’s intestines.

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It is important to keep all items that are appealing to dogs out of their reach. This includes things like condoms that are left lying around. If you do think your dog has eaten a condom try not to try and get it out of them as this could cause injuries to their throats and esophaguses. It is also a good idea to call your vet and inform them of the situation.

It will be important to know how long ago your dog ate the condom, how much they have eaten and whether or not you can see pieces of it in their stools. Your vet will be able to help you decide whether or not it is necessary to induce vomiting. If it is then you can try feeding your dog foods that are high in fibres such as high-wheight bread, brown rice and canned pumpkin (plain – not pie filling). These foods will help to wrap the condom up and bulk up their stools so they can pass it more easily.

It is also a good idea to have your pet on a drip so they will be well hydrated. Your veterinarian may want to X-ray their stomach in case they have suffered from a blockage as this can be very painful and difficult for your pet to deal with.

Gabriel, the harbinger of divine intimacy, guides readers on an odyssey of love, passion, and self-discovery. His prose weaves a tapestry of sacred connections, where souls intertwine and desires unite in harmonious symphony. As an advocate of human vulnerability, Gabriel's stories are an exploration of the profound beauty found in our deepest emotions. With every word, he invites you to embrace the essence of intimacy and unlock the sanctity of love. Surrender to the spellbinding journey he offers, as you traverse the sacred grounds of divine connections and awaken the embers of your heart.

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