How to Correct Sperm Morphology

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Sperm morphology is the percentage of sperm in a semen sample that has a normal shape. This includes a healthy shaped head, midpiece and uncoiled tail.

Only about 4 – 14% of sperm have normal shapes and sizes, according to Kruger strict morphology, for a fertility test to be considered valid. Fortunately, it’s possible to correct abnormal sperm morphology with simple lifestyle changes.

1. Change Your Diet

The good news is that, while some aspects of sperm health are out of your control, many are not. Diet is one area where significant improvements in sperm morphology can be seen by simply making a few simple lifestyle changes.

A healthy diet rich in zinc and omega 3s has been shown to increase sperm count, improve motility, and decrease the percentage of abnormally shaped sperm. Nuts, beans and fish are all excellent sources of zinc and omega 3. Folate can also be found in leafy greens and some fruits. These nutrients have been shown to boost testosterone levels and increase sperm count.

All sperm cells have some degree of abnormal morphology, but it is not always indicative of poor fertility. It may take a little longer to conceive if the proportion of abnormally shaped sperm is high, but it is still possible.

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Sperm morphology is not the only factor that determines fertility, and it is important to discuss your semen analysis results with your fertility doctor. However, it is a key indicator of overall male fertility and should be addressed as part of any plan to achieve pregnancy.

The best way to improve your sperm morphology is to reduce your exposure to environmental triggers and endocrine disruptors. This can be done by reducing your use of plastic, eating more organic food, and avoiding cigarettes and excess alcohol.

2. Change Your Lifestyle

The good news is that sperm trouble, low morphology, and a low count or motility can all be corrected through natural remedies, dietary changes and exercise. The most important factors include avoiding foods high in trans fats, excess dairy, and caffeine. Increasing intake of polyunsaturated fats, vitamin D and other antioxidants can also improve sperm morphology and motility. And, for men who are overweight, losing weight can make a big difference by improving semen health and sperm morphology.

Adding moderate intensity workouts, like walking, jogging or aerobics to your weekly routine, can also help improve sperm morphology and motility. Another way to improve sperm health is to avoid smoking, which can have a negative impact on all body systems. You can also consider cutting back on alcohol consumption, which can damage sperm shape and decrease sperm motility.

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A diet rich in cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and Brussels sprouts), dark-meat poultry and fish, and fortified cereals can all be beneficial to sperm health. Additionally, a daily supplement of vitamins C & E, lycopene and coenzyme Q10 can help as well.

3. Exercise

Men who suffer from abnormal sperm morphology have less fertility potential, but there are ways to improve the situation. Changing your diet, eliminating toxins and reducing stress are some of the most effective solutions. In some cases, medical intervention may also be required.

A sperm’s head shape is crucial in order for it to penetrate the egg and fertilize it. If the sperm has a crooked head or a short tail, it will be unable to do so. This is why it’s important to have your sperm analyzed regularly.

Several lifestyle changes can help improve sperm morphology, including regular exercise and eating a healthy diet. In some cases, nutritional supplements may also be beneficial. Zinc, vitamin C, folic acid and coenzyme Q10 have all been shown to help improve sperm morphology.

Another solution is to reduce or quit smoking and using recreational drugs, which can negatively affect sperm morphology. Additionally, limiting alcohol consumption can also be helpful.

Acupuncture has also been shown to improve sperm morphology by reducing stress levels and promoting blood flow to the testes. Acupuncture treatments can be used in conjunction with other treatment methods, such as herbal supplements, to achieve the best results. Improving sperm morphology can be a long process, and it may take a few months before you start to see results in your semen analysis.

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4. Supplement Your Diet

A lot of factors can impact sperm morphology, including poor nutrition, high alcohol consumption, smoking and even the type of underwear you wear. Fortunately, most of these things are easily rectified. For example, consuming more omega-3 fatty acids can boost sperm morphology and improve motility. This can be done by eating a variety of fish, seafood and seeds like walnuts.

Vitamin B12 has also been shown to be crucial for sperm health. It can increase sperm count and motility and reduce DNA fragmentation. It can be found in meats, dairy products, eggs and fortified breakfast cereals. Antioxidants, especially those that are rich in quercetin, have also been shown to improve sperm morphology. A great source of quercetin can be found in berries like strawberries and kiwis as well as onions, garlic and apples.

Other things that can improve sperm morphology include avoiding environmental toxins, keeping a healthy weight, reducing caffeine intake and wearing loose cotton boxers. Avoiding a high stress lifestyle and smoking can also help. If you’re struggling to conceive, a specialist can check your sperm morphology and other fertility factors. The test is called a semen analysis and can be taken in a doctor’s office or, more commonly, at home using a simple kit.

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