How to Hands Free Orgasm

person hand reaching for the sky

Men the world over are learning to reach climax without using their hands. This is a new technique that involves letting go of old masturbation habits.

Whether it’s a meditative exercise, Kegel exercises, flexing your pelvic floor muscles (also known as the Pubococcygeus Muscles), or even using stimulating fabrics, there are plenty of ways to try for a hands free orgasm.

1. Breathing

When you’re trying to achieve hands free orgasm, a lot of the process comes from breathing techniques. In fact, orgasms can be triggered by a deep breath (called bottom breathing) into the pelvic area that will increase blood flow and make the area feel energizing. You can also try flexing and releasing the abdomen muscles and pelvic floor muscles, similar to Kegel exercises.

Another way to trigger hands free orgasm is through sexual fantasizing. You can think about a sexual fantasy that turns you on or you can listen to erotic audio. This is one of the more difficult ways to get hands free orgasm, but it can be extremely gratifying if you can make it happen.

You can also use sex toys to stimulate your genitals without touching them. Vibrators that go inside your underwear, cock rings for men, and remote controlled vibrators can all be used to help you reach a hands free orgasm. Remember that it takes time to train your body to do this, so don’t give up if it doesn’t work right away.

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2. Meditation

You’ve probably heard about hands-free orgasm, whether through Lady Gaga’s interview, the TV show Strange Sex, or one of your friends who is super into tantra. These are orgasms that come from your brain alone, no touching at all. You can have them by thinking about a sexual fantasy that arouses you or even using your own oral stimulation. Or, you can use wearable vibrators like a strap-on dildo or insertable vibrator that stimulates the clitoris or prostate for hands-free pleasure.

Practicing meditation techniques, breathing exercises, and kegels can help you reach climax without masturbating. Some people also do a form of self-pleasure called “erotic hypnosis,” which involves listening to a recorded voice of a sultry, smooth-voiced woman guiding you through a process that’ll bring you close to ejaculation.

You can try these methods alone or with a partner, depending on your preferences. However, you’ll likely need to spend some time experimenting to find the technique that works for you. Just remember that, while you’re exploring hands-free orgasms, it’s important to stay in touch with your partner and not to isolate yourself.

3. Experimentation

One of the best ways to find a hands-free orgasm is to experiment with different techniques. Try stroking the head of your penis and exploring its sensitive parts, or use a variety of male sex toys to stimulate your prostate and penis.

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Oral stimulation is also a great way to reach hands-free orgasm. Orgasms can be experienced through chewing, kissing, licking, and mouthing, as well as through oral, vaginal, and anal sex, bondage play, and sexual fantasy.

Some people even orgasm by using a sex toy, such as a vibrator or a tongue depressor. Other people orgasm by thinking about a sexual fantasy that arouses them. The most important thing to remember is that not every technique is right for everyone, and it’s completely OK if some of them don’t work for you. It’s all about figuring out which ones give you the most pleasure. And don’t be discouraged if it takes longer than usual to achieve a hands-free orgasm – it’s a new experience, so it may take time to get used to it.

4. Focus

Using the power of your breath to trigger pleasure can be effective in helping you reach hands free orgasm. Orgasmic breathing involves deep, rhythmic breaths that help alter your physical and mental state. You can practice this technique while masturbating alone, with a partner or during sex to intensify the experience.

As for other techniques, you can try dry humping, use a showerhead, or try sex toys. You can also flex your pelvic floor muscles to elicit arousal, perform kegels (which aren’t just for women with vaginas), or writhe and thrust your penis to get a prostate orgasm.

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Whatever method you choose, it’s important to remember that your goal isn’t necessarily orgasm—you’re experimenting with new ways to feel pleasure. Be patient with yourself and don’t over-think it. You may not achieve an orgasm, but you’ll probably have a great time. And you can always try again later! Just be sure to set up boundaries, hard limits and a safe word with your partner before you embark on this journey. You don’t want to get hurt!

5. Self-stimulation

There are a number of techniques that you can use to experience hands free orgasm. One way is to experiment with self-stimulation, including orgasmic breathing, which involves tensing and releasing the muscles in your pelvic area to trigger sexual pleasure and orgasm. Many people have reported orgasms from doing this. Another method is imagining a sexual fantasy or scene, which can be done alone or with a partner. Then, focusing on the sensations you feel during and after the scene can help you achieve hands free orgasm.

BDSM play is another popular technique that decentralizes sensation by stimulating other parts of the body. For example, a dildo can be used to stimulate the anus or vulva. Another option is to use temperature play, such as kissing someone with ice or burning them with wax. Using a vibrator can also be an effective hands free orgasm technique.

It is important to remember that exploring hands-free orgasm will take time and patience. You may find that a certain technique is not for you, and that’s OK.

Gabriel, the harbinger of divine intimacy, guides readers on an odyssey of love, passion, and self-discovery. His prose weaves a tapestry of sacred connections, where souls intertwine and desires unite in harmonious symphony. As an advocate of human vulnerability, Gabriel's stories are an exploration of the profound beauty found in our deepest emotions. With every word, he invites you to embrace the essence of intimacy and unlock the sanctity of love. Surrender to the spellbinding journey he offers, as you traverse the sacred grounds of divine connections and awaken the embers of your heart.

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