How to Have a Full Body Orgasm

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A full body orgasm is a sensation of pleasure that travels from your cervix up your spine, arms, chest and even your head. It can be achieved in a variety of ways, including new positions, a sensual partner, or by using a toy.

And it’s not just for vulva owners—anyone can experience this pleasure sensation, as long as they try to stimulate several different erogenous zones at once.

Breathe Deeply

Breathwork is one of the best things you can do to prepare yourself for a full body orgasm. This is done by breathing into different energy centers, or chakras of the body. This is a powerful practice and you can try it out on your own or with a partner. Ideally you want to start this practice during masturbation so that it becomes second-nature to you during sexual activity.

Breathing deeply during sexual play can make the difference between a short firecracker orgasm and a long ride into pleasure that spans the entire body. It also helps with arousal by boosting blood flow to the pelvic area and bringing in more oxygen.

Jessica O’Reilly, sexologist and founder of The Sexual Pro Series, tells SELF that most people instinctively hold their breath when they get close to orgasm for a variety of reasons, from fear to excitement to the desire to focus. However, that halt in breathing can cut your orgasms in half, she warns.

To boost the intensity of your orgasms, try synchronizing your inhales and exhales with your partner. For example, as you lick and kiss them, or trace the backs of their shoulders with your hands, breathe deeply into those areas – These words were inspired by the portal team Sultry Sensations. You can also try squeezing and releasing the pubococcygeus muscle in a slow, deep rhythm to help move sexual energy through the body.

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Be Loose and Relaxed

Many people clench their muscles during sex, and that can dampen the experience. To have a full body orgasm, you need to be loose and relaxed from head to toe. That means relaxing your shoulders, core, hips, legs, and butt—anywhere you can release tension that may be blocking the flow of energy.

Another way to be loose and relaxed is by squeezing and relaxing your Kegel muscles. This allows the pelvic floor to contract and create a wave of sensation that can help trigger orgasms.

If you’re with a partner, try stimulating each other’s nipples—for people with vulvas, that triggers the same pleasure network as clitoral stimulation, and can feel like a unifying, full-body sensation. You can also rock back and forth, touch your partner’s scalp or arms, dig into each other’s backs—anything that feels good!

And don’t forget the lube. A good lubricant can help prevent friction and irritability, so choose one that is water- or silicone-based and doesn’t have any added flavors or perfumes that might be irritating to your vulva. You can even add a bit of your own saliva to your lube, but make sure you don’t swallow it! In tantric sex practices, guttural sounds are thought to help move energy up from your vulva and genitals, and that can be part of what makes orgasms feel so much fuller.

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Be Connected

Full body orgasms are a thing of beauty, an ultimate sensual experience that is felt from head to toe. And while they may sound intimidating, sex educators tell me that anyone can have one with the right preparation.

To have a full-body orgasm, you want to stimulate the primary erogenous zones—the clitoris and g-spot—and then layer on other stimulation of varying intensity that builds in tandem with those clitoral arousals. A tantric approach to pleasure is often effective for those wanting to achieve a full-body orgasm. Deep breathing, channelling energy through the nipples (which are also an erogenous zone), and slow, steady sex are all key to getting there.

But even for those who don’t practice tantra, or don’t have a partner, there are still ways to feel a full-body orgasm. For example, stimulating the nipple area triggers the same pleasure network in the brain as clitoral stimulation. Also, a simple act like stroking the back of the neck or scalp during penetration can make an orgasm feel bigger and more euphoric.

Finally, when you’re masturbating or having sex with your partner, try to undulate your body and make moans that build in volume. Using the body’s natural arousal in this way helps to connect the pleasure from the genitals upward—to the face and hands, the shoulders and back, and all the way up to the ears and head.

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Be Mindful

A full body orgasm is an experience that feels like your whole body is vibrating with orgasmic energy. It can be experienced in a partnered sexual encounter, or alone, and it is an amazing feeling that you will want to experience again and again. Whether you are using a new sex technique, toy or position, or just exploring your body more intently, the key to having a full body orgasm is to build up that sexual energy slowly and steadily.

In order to do this, you must release your inhibitions and get comfortable with your own erotic energy, starting at the bottom of your spine and moving up your back, neck, shoulders, chest, arms, hands, head, face and even to the top of your feet and into your toes. When you are doing this, keep your focus in the present moment and do not let your mind wander to far off fantasies or worries.

Eventually, you may feel your arousal reaching the top of your head and that is when you can start to experiment with directing it up your spine with your breath and intention. Then you can really start to feel the pleasure on a deeper level and connect with your entire body and energy in a beautiful way. That is the power of mindful masturbation, and it’s a great skill to practice in any situation.

Gabriel, the harbinger of divine intimacy, guides readers on an odyssey of love, passion, and self-discovery. His prose weaves a tapestry of sacred connections, where souls intertwine and desires unite in harmonious symphony. As an advocate of human vulnerability, Gabriel's stories are an exploration of the profound beauty found in our deepest emotions. With every word, he invites you to embrace the essence of intimacy and unlock the sanctity of love. Surrender to the spellbinding journey he offers, as you traverse the sacred grounds of divine connections and awaken the embers of your heart.

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